S3:E35 Christmas Episode Exchange
Enjoy a sampler of Christian podcasts, including one inspired by the book “Endurance” by Alfred Lansing.
It’s time for our second annual Christmas Episode Exchange! Each year I put out a call on the Christian Podcasters Association Facebook page for 5-minute mini-episodes based on the theme of Christmas. Now I’m going to present several of the best from that group.
1) An Endurance Christmas
- from the Truce Podcast
- www.trucepodcast.com
- http://www.facebook.com/trucepodcast
- http://www.twitter.com/trucepodcast
- Based on the book “Endurance” by Alfred Lansing.
2. Letters from Home Podcast
3. Life, Repurposed Podcast
- by Michelle Rayburn
- http://www.liferepurposed.me
- https://twitter.com/michellerayburn
4. Moments with Moni Podcast
- by Monika Hardy
- https://www.momentswithmoni.com
- https://twitter.com/Monika_Hardy