
transcripts, notes, sources, and more!

S4:E7 100th Episode!

S4:E7 100th Episode!

Melvin Benson of the Cinematic Doctrine podcast asks Chris Staron about the Truce Podcast Truce usually uses research, music, sound effects, and expert interviews to tell complicated stories about the Christian Church. We've made something like 100 episodes! Our...

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S4:E6 Is It A Sin to Be Wealthy?

S4:E6 Is It A Sin to Be Wealthy?

What the richest town in the United States can teach us about the rich young ruler and the potential evils of wealth Jackson, Wyoming is a small tourist town in the middle of nowhere. It is just a few miles south of Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone. Millions...

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S4:E5 Conservation Easements

S4:E5 Conservation Easements

How the ultra-wealthy use government funds to finance their backyards Some of the wealthiest people in the world live (or pretend to live) in Jackson, Wyoming. That includes some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Digging into the property tax records, we discovered...

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S4:E4 The Johnson County War

S4:E4 The Johnson County War

How a group of wealthy cattle barons murdered with impunity and the help of a sitting president. <iframe frameborder="0" height="200" scrolling="no" src="https://playlist.megaphone.fm?e=CHRTDY6538246364" width="100%"></iframe> The barn at the TA Ranch...

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S4:E3 Jesus and John Wayne

S4:E3 Jesus and John Wayne

How the myth of the cowboy encouraged Christians to vote for Donald Trump and changed Christian masculinity What do you think of when you picture a cowboy? A rugged, handsome individual? A lover? Someone who doesn't need the government's help? Evangelicalism has long...

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S4:E1 Jemar Tisby and How to Fight Racism

S4:E1 Jemar Tisby and How to Fight Racism

Christians have long been responsible for racism. Here is how we can resist it. Do systems really keep minorities down? Even asking the questions sound socialistic to some. But we need to go through our society to root out systems that breed inequality. But how?...

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